Skull and Bones: What’s Up with Trading in the Pirate World?

Unsure how trading works in Skull and Bones? Dive into the world of pirate commerce and see if your loot is worth the silver!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you lost in the vast seas of trading in Skull and Bones, pondering over the worth of your torpedoes and ballista bolts? Let’s set sail to uncover the mysteries of commerce in the pirate realm!


  • Selling ammo might not be the most lucrative trade in Skull and Bones.
  • Players are more inclined towards trading weapons, armor, and furniture.
  • Considering NPC prices and demand is crucial for successful transactions.

Deep Dive into Trades

Trading in Skull and Bones seems to heavily favor items beyond mere ammunition. Pirates are more interested in securing weapons, armor, and furniture, which fetch higher values compared to expendable shots. The demand for essentials trumps the surplus of ammo floating around the pirate ports.

Strategic Selling

Players looking to make a profit should analyze the market dynamics within the game. Understanding which goods are in demand and fetch higher prices can significantly impact one’s success in trading items for silver. The age-old pirate adage of ‘know your market’ rings true in the business of Skull and Bones.

Social Trading Dynamics

Engaging with the Skull and Bones community, either through in-game interactions or on platforms like Discord, can open doors to profitable trades. From selling excess inventory to offering unique items, establishing connections and fostering trade relationships can elevate one’s economic standing in the pirate world.