Skull and Bones: Understanding Hostile Takeover in Controlled Territory

Delve into the world of Skull and Bones as players navigate hostile takeovers in controlled territories.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Skull and Bones subreddit, there’s a post discussing the implications of hostile takeovers in already controlled territory.


  • Players can experience opportunities for hostile takeovers in territories they already control.
  • While some are confused by this mechanic, it seems winning or losing doesn’t dramatically impact ownership.
  • It serves as an engaging activity for end-game users.

Insight from OldTimerGamR

If you retake your territory, you gain points, adding a twist to the usual gameplay strategy.

Opinions from st-felms-fingerbone

It’s puzzling why one can contest their own territory, but it may exist for strategic depth and player engagement.

Encounter with Cool_Positive_6569

Some players use the system to troll opponents, creating amusing interactions in the process.