Skull and Bones: The Rise and Fall of Pricing in Japan

Skull and Bones price drops to 1,880 Yen in Japan. Gamers speculate on its future.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones has seen a dramatic price drop to 1,880 Yen in Japan, prompting discussions on its value and player base. User reactions vary, with some skeptical about its longevity and others hopeful for further reductions.


  • Players express concerns over Skull and Bones’ player base and potential longevity.
  • Some users hope for even lower prices for the game.
  • Comparisons are drawn with other games that faced similar pricing trends.

Reactions to Price Drop

eat_pray_plead jokes, “Taking bets on which game’s server will shut down first: Skull and Bones or Suicide Squad.” Mr_MatF shares optimism for a further price drop to $4 for PC. icecubedyeti speculates on player numbers and its impact on game support.

Comparison with Fallout 76

R11CWN draws parallels to Fallout 76’s pricing trend, highlighting the swift decrease in value. Ok_Turn5041 expresses disappointment in Skull and Bones’ gameplay mechanics and lack of immersive experiences compared to Black Flag.