Skull and Bones: Reddit Users Share End Game Thoughts

Exploring the final story mission in Skull and Bones - a must-read for all fans!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the end game in Skull and Bones? Let’s dive into the discussions on Reddit. From final missions to game evolution, the thoughts are as wild as a sea storm!


  • Users see the final mission as a blend of action and intrigue, sparking differing interpretations.
  • Some perceive the ‘end game’ content as more tutorial-oriented than a traditional story finale.
  • There’s a call for the game to continually evolve and expand its content for long-term engagement.

Final Mission Musings

As user Dernima11 points out, deciphering the last story mission’s exact nature can be puzzling, with the destruction of the Rhama DMC ship and a mysterious letter in the mix.

A Different Perspective

For player c0d3v1rus, the ‘end game’ feels more like a transitional phase, acting as a tutorial rather than a profound story conclusion, offering players a different lens to view the game’s narrative.

The Ever-Evolving Game

Jack-Innoff emphasizes the importance of ongoing evolution, suggesting that the game should not have a definitive end but instead continuously adapt and expand, echoing the sentiment for growth and progress within the gaming community.