Skull and Bones: Pirate Ship MMORPG or AC4 Copycat?

A Reddit user defends Skull and Bones as a pirate ship MMORPG, not an Assassin's Creed 4 clone, sparking a heated debate among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones is a pirate ship game that has sparked controversy among players. Some defend it as a ship-focused MMORPG, while others criticize its lack of crew interaction. Let’s dive into the debate!


  • Skull and Bones is viewed as a ship-centric MMORPG, with players emphasizing the importance of ship mechanics over character interactions.
  • Some players feel frustrated with the game’s limitations, such as the inability to walk around the ship and engage with its interior.
  • The debate centers on whether Skull and Bones should focus solely on ship gameplay or offer a more immersive experience that includes character interactions.

Defending Ship Dominance

Some users argue that Skull and Bones’ primary appeal lies in its ship-centric gameplay and mechanics. They liken it to World of Warships in a pirate theme, emphasizing the role of the player as the captain of a ship rather than a pirate character.

Critique of Limited Interactions

Conversely, critics point out the game’s lack of depth in allowing players to explore and interact with their ship beyond its combat functions. They highlight the absence of features like walking around the ship and engaging with its details as missed opportunities for immersion.

Comparisons to Assassin’s Creed 4

Some users draw parallels between Skull and Bones and Assassin’s Creed 4, noting similarities and expecting comparable gameplay experiences. The debate intensifies as players discuss whether the comparisons are fair or whether Skull and Bones should stand on its own merits.

The discussion surrounding Skull and Bones reflects a divide among players regarding the game’s core focus and gameplay experience. Whether it should prioritize ship mechanics over character interactions sparks varied opinions and expectations within the community. As the game continues to evolve, players eagerly await updates that may address their concerns and reshape the pirate adventure to meet their desired experience.