Skull and Bones: Kingpin Rank Mystery Revealed!

Unravel the secrets behind climbing the Kingpin ranks in Skull and Bones with tips from redditors on what to focus on!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever felt like a lowly Kingpin rank in the vast seas of Skull and Bones, despite your hours of gameplay? Let’s dive into some tips and tricks shared by fellow players to help you climb the ranks!


  • Focus on Supply Deals and Rogue Hunts for more rank points.
  • Utilize the Sambuk ship for smoother clearing of quests.
  • Prioritize fort plundering after completing other tasks due to time consumption.

Chance_Moment1215’s Strategy

Supply Deals and Rogue Hunts seem to be key for gaining rank points, especially with the two-hour reset cycle. The use of the Sambuk ship is recommended for efficient rogue eliminations, making the process smoother.

lookatmyhorse21’s Unconventional Approach

Learning swimming from Yanita, encountering Scurlock, and finding peace in your ship is a whimsical take on improving your rank in Skull and Bones. Maybe a touch of humor is all it takes to ascend the ranks!

scottyweir’s Nuking Rogues

Nuking rogues and engaging with red ships appear to be Scottyweir’s strategy for climbing the Kingpin ranks. Taking down foes seems to be the path to progression in the game, showcasing a more aggressive playstyle.