Skull and Bones: Is It Worth Continuing Challenges After Completing the Smuggler Pass?

Players in the Skull and Bones subreddit question the value of pursuing challenges post Smuggler Pass completion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Skull and Bones world, completing the Smuggler Pass has gamers pondering: To challenge or not to challenge? That is the question.


  • Players feel that after completing the Smuggler Pass, pursuing challenges offers little reward.
  • The points for the next smuggler mark appear capped at 900, leading to a lack of motivation.
  • There’s a desire among players for developers to introduce additional end-season bonuses to incentivize continued challenge completion.

Players’ Views on Challenge Completion

According to user Infamous0823, once the Smuggler Pass is done, there seems little reason to engage in further challenges. The sentiment of not needing to bother with challenges was echoed by Algin_Pl, who mentioned the point cap issue for the next smuggler mark.

Possible Game Improvements

Bubbly_Nectarine6216 expressed hope for a possible change in the future, suggesting an end-of-season bonus could be a welcome addition to keep players engaged beyond the Smuggler Pass completion.