Skull and Bones: Dev Confirmation On Seasonal Rewards

Discover the latest news on what Skull and Bones will retain for the upcoming season in this Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones fans eagerly await news on what will carry over to the next season. Are items like po8 and Sov’s reset or kept? Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Players speculate on which in-game items will reset or carry over to the next season.
  • The community anticipates Helm Upgrades and Factories to remain, with potential changes.
  • There are mixed opinions on whether currencies like po8 and Sovereigns will reset or exchange.

Speculations on Seasonal Resets

Many players are uncertain about the fate of po8 and Sov’s for the upcoming season. Some believe a reset is necessary to level the playing field for all players.

Potential Currency Exchange

Discussion on the possibility of exchanging po8 for silver or retaining Sov’s as a valuable currency sparks debates among players.

Helm Currency and Upgrades

Opinions vary on whether Helm currency, Factories, and upgrades should carry over to maintain progression or reset for a fresh start.

Players in the community are eager to see how the developers address these concerns and balance the game for the upcoming season.