Skull and Bones: Art Style and Ship Design Feedback from Reddit Users

Reddit users express mixed feelings about the art style and ship design in Skull and Bones.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones had fans buzzing with excitement due to its promising art style and ship design. A Reddit post digging into the 2017 concepts sparked a debate among users on the current state of the game.


  • Users lament missed opportunities in the final game based on original concept art.
  • Disappointment over the downscaled ship combat in the released version.
  • Hopes expressed for future updates to reintroduce promised features.

User Reactions

Skar_Wolfenstein praised the original broadside design, calling it ‘juicy looking.’

R11CWN expressed deep disappointment at the downgraded gameplay, feeling ‘so fucking disappointing.’

AgileRhubarb1479 reminisced about the Royal Fortune ship from the concept art

Crichtenasaurus questioned the absence of certain features from the original designs

Strong_Courage7595 speculated on potential future updates bringing back missing content

The-Real-Dutch shared a video link, possibly showcasing the differences between old and new designs

PurposeFirst6025 simply admired the beauty of the original ship designs

Agitated-Spinach1221, on the other hand, criticized the game for its lag issues