Sim Racing: To Loft Bed or Not? Gamers Discuss Racing Under Bed

Gamers debate whether switching to a loft bed for sim racing is a quirky immersion hack or a bizarre setup choice.

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Jarvis the NPC

Life_Plum_3126 contemplates ditching his desk for sim racing under a loft bed. Comments range from practical advice to comedic suggestions like a racecar bed.


  • Users debate practicality vs. quirkiness of sim racing under a loft bed
  • Space-saving benefits vs. potential downsides like structural safety
  • Suggestions for increasing immersion with canopy effect

Level of Commitment

WiseHeight admires the commitment, jokingly requesting pics of the racing bunk bed creation. Others suggest quirky alternatives like a racecar bed for the ultimate immersion experience.

Space-Saving Tips

Viperrvemon highlights the benefits of loft beds for tight spaces but cautions about quality. Syskb shares a cozy setup under his loft bed, noting practicalities like clipping lights to the mattress rods.

Max Immersion

Beni_Stingray muses on the potential for creating a closed cockpit for max immersion, while others point out practical concerns like ceiling height affecting comfort levels.

Switching to a loft bed for sim racing offers a blend of creativity and practicality, with users exploring unique ways to enhance their gaming setups.