Should I Buy Persona 3r on Steam? Deciding with Reddit

Reddit users weigh in on a 30% off sale for Persona 3r on Steam, offering advice and opinions on whether to buy now or wait.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans are buzzing on Reddit about a 30% discount for Persona 3r on Steam. Should you strike now or wait for a better deal? User opinions vary, but the consensus seems to lean towards a positive purchase decision.


  • Striking now for Persona 3r on Steam is recommended due to the game’s plot, character development, and music.
  • Some users suggest waiting for a better sale if you’re not playing it immediately.
  • Game Pass is also highlighted as a cost-effective way to experience the game.

Strike Now or Wait?

One user, Adventurous_Sink_953, emphasized the rich experience of Persona 3r, including the engaging plot, character development, and memorable soundtrack. Their advice leans heavily towards seizing the current discount, stating that delaying might mean missing out on a unique gaming experience.

Alternatives to Buying

Other users, such as ztoff27 and ImpactedDruid, suggested exploring alternative options like Game Pass for a more budget-friendly approach to playing Persona 3r. If having the game in your library is not a top priority, these alternatives could be worth considering.

Gaming Backlog Considerations

Some users, like Significant-Tap-684, raised valid points regarding gaming backlogs and upcoming releases, urging caution before making a purchase. It’s essential to consider your current gaming priorities and whether Persona 3r fits into your immediate gaming plans.

Ultimately, the decision to buy Persona 3r on Steam depends on your gaming preferences and financial considerations. With varied opinions on Reddit, it’s clear that the Persona community values the game but approaches the discount sale with different perspectives.