Shooting Stars: Valorant Esports Strategy & Insights Uncovered

Cracking the code for better game sense and pick rates in Valorant? Our latest deep-dive reveals how.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

In Valorant, as in most competitive multiplayer games, the key to improving is to continue refining your skills and expanding your hero pool. This was the crux of the discussion initiated by ‘xXxsad_minaxXx’.


  • The discussion threads provided a wealth of advice, strategies, and suggestions, including recommended routines for practice on Valorant’s in-game shooting range.
  • They also emphasized the need for consistency, and the benefits of trying different roles and agents were highlighted.
  • As the majority of users advocated for the team deathmatch mode and the use of the in-game shooting range to enhance aim sans aimlabs.

    Strengthening Aim in Valorant

    Let’s dive into the world of aim improving first, as it seems to be the principal concern of many players, not only ‘xXxsad_minaxXx’. One user, ‘ishouldbeworkinbutno’, shared how practicing through Team Deathmatch before stepping into ranked matches has significantly improved their aim. ‘BulletsAndTheFall’ suggested using Valorant’s own range and deathmatches as excellent tools for aim training, along with checking out instructional guides on YouTube.

    Expanding Hero Pool

    Next, let’s talk about expanding the hero pool. As ‘xXxsad_minaxXx’ has played mostly as a smoke and sometimes a sentinel, they are looking to try new agents and roles. For solo queue and larger maps like Lotus, Sova and Gekko were suggested. It’s essential here to note that while expanding one’s hero pool is a good way to bring versatility, consistent practice is pivotal.

    The Power of Grit

    ‘lord_vaz’ compares improving at Valorant to getting better at guitar: it simply can’t be achieved without practice. No matter how many guides you read or how many different training tools you use, practice is still the most crucial part of improvement. Following a strict regime proposed by ‘NeutralTired’, which involves a few times of daily practice with and without armor, he believes people can significantly improve over time.

    In light of these shared insights, it becomes apparent that multiple paths to improvement lie in the Valorant universe. Whether it’s about refining game sense or improving aim, the importance of expanding one’s agent roster or the value of consistent practice, these threads shed valuable light on the journey of a Valorant player. Just remember – you can’t spell ‘game’ without ‘aim’, and while diversification is excellent, familiarity often breeds top performance.