Scare Tactics: Modding Fear into Deep Rock Galactic

Can modders make Deep Rock Galactic scarier? Let's dive into the spooky suggestions and responses!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are seeking to amp up the fear factor in the game with mods. Some suggest adding advanced darkness and eerie caves for a more chilling experience. Let’s dig into the community’s spine-tingling ideas!


  • Players crave a scarier atmosphere in Deep Rock Galactic
  • Suggestions include reduced flares’ brightness and more echoey caves
  • Mods like Advanced Darkness already cater to the desire for a darker experience

Modding Fear

IMMANEEDASSISTANCE calls for a mod that intensifies the game’s scary elements, proposing changes to lighting and atmosphere to create a more ominous gameplay.

Community Insights

iSiffrin acknowledges the existing mod, Advanced Darkness, as a solution to the scare factor demand, while swanky_p1geon finds the proposed changes more irritating than frightening.

New Horizons

Bubster101 hints at a future DRG game that may cater to players seeking a spookier adventure, while Vaelkyrie37 suggests a Haunted Cave modifier for added suspense during missions.

Player Experiments

VitorJexs outlines a hardcore playstyle for maximum tension, emphasizing a dark, music-less, and solo experience for the bravest miners.

FactoryOfShit humorously suggests Space Beast Terror Fright for intense gunplay enthusiasts, adding a touch of sarcasm to the fear discussion.

Tenno24 proposes a unique twist to the Nemesis encounter, adding an EMP effect to induce darkness and repair urgency, while blBA_the_Great finds camaraderie to be the ultimate antidote to fear.

BismorBismorBismor introduces Advanced Darkness + Shadows as an existing mod for enhanced darkness, highlighting the need for a potent PC to run this spine-chilling setup.

ryenaut recommends Lethal Company for players seeking even greater challenges, offering a subtle nod to the thrill-seekers in the community.

Adventurous_Repair71 succinctly agrees with previous suggestions, echoing the sentiment of those looking for a more hair-raising experience.

Whether through mods or community ideas, Deep Rock Galactic players showcase a desire for heightened fear levels in their mining expeditions. The push for a spookier gameplay experience reveals the diverse preferences within the player base, from intense darkness to eerie cave echoes. As modders and developers respond to these calls for more terrifying adventures, the future of DRG promises a deeper dive into the mines of fear and excitement.