Rocket League Community Views on Potential Fortnite Fusion

Rocket League enthusiasts share their perspectives on a possible integration into Fortnite.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a rapidly evolving gaming universe, the future of a beloved game like Rocket League can be uncertain. A recent online discussion posed, “When will Rocket League go offline or merge into Fortnite?” bringing about diverse viewpoints from the gamer community.


  • Users show resistance to the possible integration of the two games.
  • There is concern about the survival of Rocket League’s identity if merged with Fortnite.
  • The potential merge encounters skepticism regarding its practicality.

Resistance to Change

In this interpretation of virtual evolution, some gamers see the glass half empty. “As soon as RL becomes a subgame within Fortnite…I’m gone, gone,” asserts user Adpocalypser. This straightforward statement echoes fears about the prospective merger.

Gaming Practicalities

From a practical viewpoint, a merger between the two games may seem worthwhile. However, user MeanArt318 raises a valid point questioning the need for such a drastic change: “Why would they shut off the servers for game with 80 million monthly players?”

Maintaining Uniqueness

Above all, Rocket League users seem concerned about the potential loss of unique features. One such user Ok_Material7078 vehemently states, “Rocket League shouldn’t [merge] because it’s its own game… Epic adding RL at all would ruin both games for everyone.”

It’s clear that for the gaming community, game identity and unique playing experiences are paramount. While speculations around Rocket League’s future provoke interesting debates, it seems the majority prefer that it stays as it is: robust and free from Fortnite. After all, isn’t there enough room in the virtual universe for both?