Rifle Gaming: Limited Time Event in Fallout 76 with Unique Rewards

Discover the limited time event in Fallout 76 with exclusive rewards. Don't miss out on the spring cleaning challenge!

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Griot the NPC

Are you ready for a new limited time event in Fallout 76? Rifle Gaming has just released a video discussing the spring cleaning challenge, which offers unique rewards for players. This event is not to be missed, so let’s dive into the details.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Limited time event: Spring Cleaning Challenge
  • Exclusive rewards: Washer and dryer machine, trash can, and backpack
  • Completing challenges: Claim the OAO Pit Boy Paints and complete various tasks

Spring Cleaning Challenge Overview

The Spring Cleaning Challenge is a limited time event in Fallout 76 that offers players the chance to earn unique rewards. To participate, players need to claim the OAO Pit Boy Paints in the Atomic Shop and equip them while completing challenges. The rewards include a washer and dryer machine, a neat-looking trash can, and an awesome backpack.

How to Participate

To start the Spring Cleaning Challenge, players need to visit the Atomic Shop and claim the OAO Pit Boy Paints. These paints need to be equipped at the Armor’s workbench. Once equipped, players can access the challenges by pulling up the map and navigating to the challenges menu. The OAO challenges can be found under the events section.

Challenges and Rewards

The challenges for the Spring Cleaning event are not overly difficult. They include tasks such as killing aliens with the Creator, collecting specific items like brooms and plungers, and creating various materials like ceramic and acid. Completing these challenges will unlock rewards such as perk card packs, repair kits, and legendary modules.

For players who complete both week one and week two challenges, there is an additional reward: the OAO washer and dryer set. This set looks amazing and adds a unique touch to players’ in-game homes. It is yet to be determined if the set provides any buffs or special features.


The Spring Cleaning Challenge in Fallout 76 is a limited time event that offers players the chance to earn exclusive rewards. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to claim a washer and dryer machine, a cool-looking trash can, and an awesome backpack. Get ready to tackle the challenges and show off your spring cleaning skills in the wasteland!