Reviving Valorant: Suggestions from the Community Horizon

Dive into the heart of Valorant community and explore the ideas players propose to refresh the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

In the vibrant online world of the hit game Valorant, players are never shy about expressing their views on how the game can evolve and remain engaging. A recent forum post initiated by user abulVal has precipitated a rush of suggestions from players seeking fresh amendments to enhance their Valorant experiences. Let’s unearth a few of their ideas!


  • Desire for changes in reward system and game mode
  • Personalizations: Agent-specific skins, Glove skins, etc.
  • New game objectives: Capture The Flag (CTF), King of The Hill (KoTH)
  • Various Quality of Life Enhancements

Craving for Challenge

User Wincent98 suggests a rework of the ranked-game reward system, with an aptly named mode ‘Premier’ that needs more commitment than ranked but less than ordinary casual play. The thought of variance in game modes and reward systems surely makes one’s head spin, doesn’t it?

Aesthetics Matter!

Adding a bit of color to our virtual warriors, IllustriousSpeaker27 advocates for skins tied to specific agents while AtraWolf proposes Agent Glove skins and the freedom to mix and match ADS visuals with weapon skins. After all, a game of Valorant is not merely about firepower but also about looking good while owning the battlefield.

Shuffling The Game

How about changing your game agent every round for a whole new experience? That’s what nobadabing suggests, promising a fresh challenge for experienced players and an opportunity for newcomers to test all characters in a match! Meanwhile, Icepickmassacr thinks a replay system is a must. Aren’t these ideas just mind-blowing?

Control over Maps

Sick of playing the same maps over and over? Then you are not alone! DragonXTO and foncy_porkins15 urge for the option to select maps just like in CSGO, and who could blame them? Variety is, after all, the spice of life!

There it is, folks – a glimpse into the minds of Valorant’s player community. Their keenness for fresh content and tweaks resonate with everyone who has ever held the love for any game. Whether Riot Games will take the queue from these enthusiastic fans, only time will tell. For now, it’s safe to say that Valorant’s future is bubbling with potential and vivacity!