Reviving Excitement in Last Epoch: Tips and Tricks

Are you feeling bored in Last Epoch? Check out these community tips to spice up your gameplay!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players have been expressing their boredom lately, but fear not, there are ways to revive the excitement!


  • Exploring different builds can bring a fresh perspective to the game.
  • Engaging in various in-game activities like echoes and monoliths can offer new challenges.
  • Switching between different characters can prevent gameplay burnout.
  • Experimenting with builds and gear can add a layer of excitement to the experience.

Embracing New Challenges

One player suggested, ‘Get every single exp reward from echoes. It’ll go twice as fast,’ emphasizing the importance of maximizing in-game activities for efficient progression. This approach not only speeds up gameplay but also adds a sense of accomplishment.

Unique Gameplay Strategies

Another user shared their method of running arena monoliths and then leaving before completion to level up quickly. While unconventional, this strategy showcases the creativity players employ to overcome boredom and enhance their gameplay experience.

Diversifying Gameplay

Switching between alts with different character classes offers a diverse gameplay experience, as mentioned by a player swapping between Falconer, RM, and Lich. This method allows for continuous exploration and keeps the game fresh and engaging.

Players also emphasized the importance of experimenting with builds based on the gear found, elevating the gameplay experience by constantly evolving and adapting to new strategies.

Overall, the community echoes the sentiment that boredom in Last Epoch can be alleviated through creative approaches and a willingness to explore new gameplay avenues. By embracing challenges and diversifying gameplay, players can rejuvenate their excitement and enjoyment in the game