Revitalizing Lost Ark: Is a Comeback Warranted?

A delve into the Lost Ark gaming community's perspective on newcomers and returning players.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent discussion on a popular gaming forum focused on the MMORPG game, ‘Lost Ark’, generating spirited and thoughtful responses. The conversation took on the question of whether new or returning players should jump back into the fray. The original poster, ‘Mysterious_Spring903’, presents a balanced take, suggesting that the decision is largely dependent on one’s passion for MMORPGs, raiding, and the willingness to endure an arduous grind.


  • At its core, the game requires a lot of investment, precisely in terms of time and patience. For some players, this grind can be immersive and satisfying, for others, it may be discouraging.
  • Dedication alone won’t help new players gain easy entry into raids. Owing to certain game mechanics, bars are set quite high even for seasoned players.
  • Lastly, the community seems to have a mixed response. Some players express frustration with the steep learning curve and gatekeeping while others seem to be sailing just fine.

Grind to Glory

The game, ‘Lost Ark’, is cited for its grindy nature which, judging by the discussions, informs a lot about whether or not newcomers or returnees should venture. Opinions vary, but the consensus seems to lean more towards the idea that the intrinsic value of the grind is what creates interest in the game. This is as long as players aren’t solely fixated on catching up with the veterans, as one post comment by ‘Dmuu‘ subtly indicates.

Gatekeeping Woes

Another pervasive theme revolves around the notion of gatekeeping, as mentioned by ‘Gtwuwhsb’. The community appears divided here; with some players suggesting alternative ways of getting around the issue, namely creating a group of returning players. Admittedly, solo players may find it more challenging, highlighting a key aspect of the game – cooperation and camaraderie.

Community Sentiments

The post pulls in different perspectives, presenting a broad spectrum of feels within the community. Overall, the sentiment is mixed – frustration, acceptance, resilience, all making appearances in the narrative of ‘Lost Ark’. A user ‘Anubissx_8x‘, candidly echoed concerns about the time and monetary investment required.

Regardless of the game’s potential hurdles and challenges, the rich conversations and varied perspectives within the community serve as testament to the shared passion for ‘Lost Ark’. It becomes clear that the decision to join or return is a personal one, deeply dependent on individual expectations and playstyle preferences. Ultimately, the immersive world of ‘Lost Ark’ holds its doors open, inviting every player to make their unique journey.