Revamping Statistics In Apex Legends: The Impact of Three Strikes Mode

Unpacking the effect of Three Strikes mode on Apex Legends and player statistics, based on community insights and experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving battleground of Apex Legends, the return of Three Strikes mode has stirred a wave of new sentiments among its player base.Originally premiered in season 13, this contentious mode has come back into the limelight, sparking debates on its impact on player statistics.


  • Three Strikes mode has influenced player statistics either positively or negatively, depending on the player
  • This mode has given experienced players an edge, resulting in boosted stats
  • Conversely, some players reported a decline in stats after playing Three Strikes
  • There is an ongoing discussion regarding mode-specific badges

Stats Soaring Or Crashing?

Apex Legends community members, specifically ‘The_x_Defiant’ and ‘SlinginGunZ’, have shared their experiences of setting new personal records in Three Strikes. On the other hand, players like ‘oldcodbetter’ and ‘W3lfarewarrior’ have encountered the polar opposite experience, observing a dip in their statistics.

Chaotic Fun or Frustration?

‘Three Strikes has no doubt boosted many people’s stats. It’s very fun and chaotic to play,’ – stated ‘The_x_Defiant’. This reveals the mode’s appeal to the thrill-seekers and chaos-lovers among the fanbase. However, for ‘W3lfarewarrior’, the experience has been starkly contrasting, with the mode proving to be more of a challenge than fun.

Badge Befuddlement

Player ‘Zantor2100’ has raised the intriguing point on whether 4k badges can be obtained in this mode. This has certainly sparked curiosity, as badges serve as a recognition of a player’s prowess and skill.

The return of Three Strikes in Apex Legends has undoubtedly brewed up a storm of varied feedback. While some have charged headfirst into the chaos, seeing their stats skyrocket, others have faced the brunt, watching their statistics plummet instead. If anything, this mode has been a reminder that in the pacey game of Apex Legends, adaptation to new challenges holds the key. And yes, we still don’t have a confirmation on the 4k badges. Over to you, Respawn Entertainment.