Revamping Gameplay: The Impact of Back Paddles on Warzone Performance

Delve into the world of Warzone gamers as they discuss the pros and cons of using back paddles in gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

In an intimate online discussion, Warzone users have been engaging in a heated debate concerning the use of back paddles in gameplay. IceLocal5932, a fellow Warzone enthusiast, recently introduced paddles to his PS5 controller. However, this seemingly minor upgrade has lead to major changes in his performance, for the worse unfortunately.


  • There is a general consensus among users that adjustment to new controller layouts require time.
  • Many users suggest starting with two paddles before graduating to four, to ease the transition.
  • There are clear divides in the community between those who see the potential in paddle-use, and those who maintain traditional inputs are superior.

The Learning Curve

As emphasized by user _TheNameless_, a new controller design requires acclimatization. ThisMemeWontDie echoed these sentiments, sharing their own initial struggles with adjusting to the heightened sensitivity of a paddle-equipped controller.

Struggling with Change

Change is hard – a sentiment seemingly shared by our Warzone compatriots. IceLocal5932, despite the slight erosion of his K/D ratio, isn’t alone in his newfound paddle-induced plights. However, NavyPoseidon counters this thought, hinting at a brighter future once full acclimation is achieved.

A Touch of Humour

While the thread carries an undertone of frustration and confusion, the Warzone community certainly knows how to maintain their sense of humour. Herefortheupvotes55 lightheartedly suggested IceLocal5932 should have evolved into a gaming god by now – a pang of wry humour that adds charm to the discussion.

Towards the end of the thread, Apprehensive_Tree_44 shared a divisive view, stating ‘Only claw. Pads are for pussies,’ showcasing the spectrum of opinions among players. Despite the varying thoughts on back paddles, it’s evident that the Warzone community remains an active, helpful, and hilarious bunch, ever-ready to assist a fellow gamer in need.