Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT: Mastering the Riven 3 Strategy in TFT Ranked Patch 14.8b!

Learn how to dominate TFT ranked with the powerful Riven 3 strategy in this comprehensive guide by Redox - Teamfight Tactics TFT.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back to another E rank game! In this video, Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT showcases the powerful Riven 3 strategy in TFT Ranked Patch 14.8b. With a focus on maximizing Riven’s potential and utilizing bruiser synergies, this guide will help you climb the ranks and achieve victory in Teamfight Tactics. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this strategy is worth adding to your arsenal.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Riven 3 strategy revolves around maximizing Riven’s effectiveness as a carry champion.
  • Building a strong board early on with bruiser units is crucial for survival.
  • Obtaining a Blue Buff and two items on Riven, such as Infinity Edge and Titans Resolve, greatly enhance her damage output.
  • Utilizing the Altruist Crest and Well Fed trait can provide additional healing and survivability for your team.

Maximizing Riven’s Potential

In this strategy, the goal is to obtain a three-star Riven and equip her with a Blue Buff and Infinity Edge. This combination allows Riven to spam her ability and deal massive physical damage. Other items, such as Titans Resolve and Bramble Vest, can further enhance her survivability.

The Power of Bruisers

Building a strong board with bruiser units, such as Darius, Aatrox, and Galio, is essential for early game survival. The extra health provided by the Bruiser trait increases Riven’s longevity in battles. With the addition of Altruist Crest and Well Fed, your team’s overall healing is boosted, further enhancing your chances of success.

Flexibility and Adaptation

While the ideal composition includes six bruisers, there is room for flexibility. You can adapt your strategy by incorporating other units, such as Trick Shots or additional Altruists, depending on the situation. Experimenting with different combinations can lead to unique and powerful synergies.

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