Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT: DROPPING HUGE NUKES with NEEKO in TFT Ranked 14.9b | Teamfight Tactics Set 11 I Best Comps Guide

Learn how to dominate in TFT Ranked with Redox's guide on using Neeko to drop massive nukes and secure victory!

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Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT recently released a video titled “DROPPING HUGE NUKES with NEEKO in TFT Ranked 14.9b | Teamfight Tactics Set 11 I Best Comps Guide”. In this video, Redox showcases a powerful strategy using Neeko to deal massive damage and secure wins in TFT Ranked.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Neeko’s ability, Drop Blossom, becomes incredibly powerful with the right items and augmentations.
  • Building items such as Bloodthirster and Archangel’s Staff can enhance Neeko’s damage and survivability.
  • Consider using Diamond Hands and Gargoyle Stoneplate to help Neeko survive longer in battles.
  • While Neeko’s late game potential may not be as strong, her early to mid game presence can carry you to victory.

Neeko’s Explosive Power:

In the video, Redox explains that Neeko’s ability, Drop Blossom, can deal massive damage to the entire board when paired with the right items and augmentations. By building items like Bloodthirster and Archangel’s Staff, Neeko’s damage and healing capabilities are significantly increased. Additionally, using Diamond Hands and Gargoyle Stoneplate can help Neeko survive longer in battles, allowing her to continue dealing damage over time.

Strategies and Item Choices:

Redox suggests that players focus on acquiring Neeko early and aim to three-star her as soon as possible. This can be achieved by saving gold and rerolling to find Neeko copies. In terms of item choices, Bloodthirster, Archangel’s Staff, and a third item such as Zz’Rot Portal or Jeweled Gauntlet are recommended. Redox also mentions that Zephyr and Guardian Angel can be effective alternatives to Diamond Hands, depending on the situation.

Flexibility in Composition:

While the video primarily focuses on Neeko as the main carry, Redox acknowledges the flexibility of compositions in TFT. Depending on the availability of other units, players can adapt their strategy and incorporate more Arcanists or Mythics into their lineup. The key is to find a balance between Neeko’s power and the overall synergy of the composition.

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