Rainbow 6 Siege Year 8 Season 1: Meta Tiers

Rainbow 6 Siege's Year 8 kicks off with Season 1, set in Brazil. RS6 Y8S1 is sure to bring changes to the operator meta and tier lists. We will keep you up to date as new tactics emerge!

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Year 8 Season 1: Brazil

Year 8 Season 1 brings a return to Brazil for Operation Commanding Force. Along with a new operator in Y8S1, be prepared for new features, new balancing, and bug fixes. 

Starting this season there will be a penalty for players who use mouse and keyboard on console. This penalty, named mousetrap, is geared at making the the game more fair and removing any unfair advantage console players have when using mouse and keyboard. The penalty will add lag to these players inputs. Continuing to use mouse and keyboard will increase the lag over several matches, which can be gradually reduced back to normal by completing matches using a controller.

Another new feature aimed at player protection is a new Reputation Penalty for abusive voice chat. Players who repeatedly engage in hatful and disruptive voice chat communications and receive this penalty will start matches off muted by default and will only be heard by players who unmute them.

In addition to the quality of life features being added, there are some updated game mechanics and operator reworks coming with the launch of Year 8 Season 1. Reloading has been reworked in a way that an interruption to the reload animation will result in the player not having a magazine in the weapon. However closed bolt weapons will leave a single round in the chamber.

The operator Zero will also be receiving an update. His Argus camera will be able to be controlled to pierce through a surface using the Observation Tool. Once it has pierced a surface, Zero and his teammates can surveil both sides of the surface at will until they’re eliminated.

New Operator: Brava

rainbow six siege year 8 season 1 new operator brava
image via Ubisoft

The first new operator to be introduced during Year 8 is Brava, an Attacker from Brazil, who will be joining the Viperstrike squad.  

Brava’s Unique Ability is the Kludge Drone. Kludge Drones are a sabotage tool. It allows you to take over opponent’s devices, or destroy them. 

Primary Weapon: PARA-308, CAMRS
Secondary Weapon: USP40, Super Shorty
Gadget: Smoke Grenade, Claymore
Unique Ability: Kludge Drone

During the first 2 weeks following the season release, Brava will be unbannable in regular match making for both ranked and unranked.

Current Operator Meta Tiers: Y7S4


Thatcher: Thatcher has a very versatile loadout, however his main role is support. With his EMP grenades, partnering with the hard breacher can set them up for success as they disable any gadget within range. Thatcher’s EMPs can be used to counter also electrical gadgets the defenders may have out.

Iana has a very strong loadout – one of the strongest in the games. As a two-speed, two-armor operator, she is often used as an entry fragger, but can be used in a handful of roles. Her Gemini allows her to create a hologram to explore the map with, which can be used to both gather information as well as distract defenders.

S-TierThatcher, Iana, Thermite, Sledge
A-TierAsh, Nokk, Zofia, Hibana, Buck, Ace, Jackal
B-TierTwitch, Finka, Maverick, Flores, Nomad, Lion, Dokkaebi, Zero
C-TierOsa, IQ, Glaz, Capitao, Ying, Gridlock, Montagne, Kali
D-TierFuze, Blitz, Sens, Amaru 
E-TierBlackbeard, Grim 


Mira: Mira is a three- health, one-speed operator who plays the roll of an anchor. Her Unique Ability, Black Mirror, allows her to place a one-way window on any reinforced or unreinforced wall. While her Black Mirror has received some nerfs since first launching, Mira is still a top tier Defender.

Jäger: Jäger is one of the most played Defenders in R6. Playing the roll of roamer, his biggest contribution to the team comes with his ADSs (Active Defense System). Jäger has 3 ADSs he can deploy, which can destroy incoming projectiles, keeping shields or gadgets protected.

S-TierMira, Valkyrie, Jäger, Bandit, Smoke
A-TierAzami, Solis, Alibi, Echo, Castle, Wamai, Aruni, Mute, Kaid 
B-TierMozzie, Warden, Doc, Ela, Goyo, Maestro, Rook, Kapkan, Lesion
C-TierMelusi, Frost, Thorn, Pulse, Oryx
D-TierVigil, Thunderbird, Tachanka
E-TierClash, Caveira 

Looking for a group to tackle Year 8 with? Make sure to download the Z League app and take advantage of the newly improved LFG feature! More details here!