RageGamingVideos: No Rest for the Wicked – How to Get INFINITE Healing Food & Durability Early Easy Fast – Full Guide!

Learn how to obtain infinite healing food and durability early in the game in this comprehensive guide by RageGamingVideos.

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Griot the NPC

When it comes to the early game section of No Rest For The Wicked, the challenge can be tough compared to the resources you have. But as you progress and build better gear, the challenges become non-issues. In this video, RageGamingVideos provides a full guide on how to unlock the blacksmith, rescue the innkeeper, and obtain unlimited ingredients for crafting food. He also shares tips on selling gear, completing bounties, and using runes to repair durability. While the early game can be a slog, the game has a solid core and potential for adjustments. Check out the video for more details!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Unlock the blacksmith to repair gear and buy necessary items.
  • Rescue the innkeeper to access unlimited ingredients for crafting food.
  • Sell gear and complete bounties to earn more gold.
  • Use runes and repair powder to repair durability and save gold.

Unlocking the Blacksmith and Rescuing the Innkeeper

In order to unlock the blacksmith, players need to open the gate to the keep and reach Sacrament. The blacksmith can repair gear and offer other services. The innkeeper can be found on the bridge above the Serum Whisper in the western side of the area. After rescuing the innkeeper, he sets up shop in Sacrament and sells unlimited ingredients for crafting food.

Selling Gear and Completing Bounties

Selling unused gear, especially common, blue, or purple gear, can provide a significant amount of gold in the early game. The NPC in Sacrament offers bounties that can be completed for rewards, including money. These bounties can be completed daily or weekly and provide a substantial boost to gold supply.

Using Runes and Repair Powder

The enchantment vendor in Sacrament sells runes that can be inserted into weapons. These runes offer additional skills, such as healing or repairing durability. Players can also create repair powder once they reach level two with the alchemist vendor. These options can help manage durability and save gold on repairs.