RageGamingVideos: Hades 2 – 17 HUGE Mistakes to Avoid & All OP Unlocks You Need Early – Aspect Guide & Make Game Easy!

Read this blog post to learn about the 17 huge mistakes to avoid and all the OP unlocks you need early in Hades 2, as discussed by RageGamingVideos.

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Griot the NPC

As Hades 2 enters Early Access, many players are finding it tough and challenging. In this video, RageGamingVideos shares tips on avoiding major mistakes and unlocking powerful upgrades early in the game. By following these strategies, players can improve their permanent power and make their runs easier. From utilizing keepsakes to upgrading tarot cards, there are several key takeaways for players to enhance their gameplay experience in Hades 2.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Unlock and utilize keepsakes for boss damage reduction and health reduction.
  • Focus on unlocking important incantations to upgrade tarot cards and unlock weapon aspects.
  • Utilize your garden to grow and rotate through useful plants.
  • Upgrade your tarot cards at the alter of Ashes for powerful permanent upgrades.

Unlocking Keepsakes for Power:

RageGamingVideos emphasizes the importance of unlocking and utilizing keepsakes in Hades 2. These items provide valuable bonuses such as boss damage reduction and cheat death. Odyss and Skellies keepsakes are highly recommended for struggling with bosses and survival, respectively. The Arachn keepsake can also be useful for extending the duration of armor effects. Additionally, the Nemesis keepsake grants a hefty bonus percentage damage to the last enemy that killed you, making it ideal for overcoming specific boss challenges.

Unlocking Important Incantations:

RageGamingVideos highlights the significance of unlocking certain incantations to enhance gameplay. The Consecration of Ashes incantation allows players to upgrade individual tarot cards, providing significant power boosts. Unlocking weapon aspects is also crucial, as these altered play styles offer stronger versions of the base weapons. To unlock aspects, players need to defeat Hegy and fulfill specific requirements. Bronze is a key resource for unlocking aspects, which can be obtained by exploring the upper exit in the first few rooms.

Growing and Rotating Plants:

Managing your garden and actively cycling through seeds is essential in Hades 2. By planting seeds and using the shovel tool to obtain more seeds, players can access useful plants with various benefits. This ensures a steady supply of resources and enhances gameplay in the long run.

Upgrading Tarot Cards at the Alter of Ashes:

The alter of Ashes offers a powerful upgrade system in Hades 2. By unlocking adjacent cards and increasing your maximum grasp, players can equip and upgrade tarot cards for permanent power boosts. Upgrading cards such as Death Defiance, Centaur, and Swift Runner can greatly enhance survival and damage capabilities. Additionally, unlocking Awakening and Boon Rarity increase cards can further improve gameplay synergies and overall power.

Tips for the Second Region Boss:

For players struggling with the second region boss in Hades 2, RageGamingVideos provides some valuable tips. Considering the order of killing the bosses can significantly impact the difficulty of the fight. Eliminating the drummer early on can simplify dodging and make the fight easier. In the final phase, managing the fish enemies by bursting down the boss or using slows and AOE attacks can ensure victory. Building for area of effect damage with Poseidon Splash radius and other related boons can also make the fight more manageable.