Quantum: Taliyah Is A DEMON With The NEW ITEMS!

Discover how Taliyah dominates the game with the new items in Quantum's latest video.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Quantum’s recent video, he showcases the power of Taliyah with the new items. Taliyah’s versatility and damage output make her a force to be reckoned with on the Rift. Whether you’re a Taliyah main or looking to try her out, this video provides valuable insights and gameplay.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Taliyah’s new item builds are extremely powerful and can help you dominate the game.
  • Quantum showcases the effectiveness of a Luden’s Echo build on Taliyah.
  • Taliyah’s damage output is significantly increased with the new items.

Taliyah’s Versatility with New Items

In the video, Quantum experiments with different item builds for Taliyah, focusing on Luden’s Echo. He highlights the benefits of this build, such as increased burst damage and waveclear. With Luden’s Echo, Taliyah becomes a true demon on the Rift, obliterating her opponents with ease.

Mastering Taliyah’s Combos

Quantum demonstrates Taliyah’s combo potential in various teamfight scenarios. He showcases how Taliyah’s abilities synergize with the new items, allowing her to deal massive damage and control the battlefield. By mastering Taliyah’s combos, players can effectively carry games and secure victories.

Optimizing Taliyah’s Playstyle

Quantum provides valuable tips on optimizing Taliyah’s playstyle with the new items. He emphasizes the importance of positioning, map awareness, and utilizing Taliyah’s ultimate ability to roam and impact other lanes. By following Quantum’s advice, players can maximize their impact as Taliyah and contribute to their team’s success.