PUBG Best Vehicles Choices for Dominating Each Map

Discover the Pubg best vehicles for dominating each map. From the versatile UAZ on Erangel to the nimble Tukshai on Sanhok, choose wisely for a smoother gameplay experience.

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Saad Hassan

As we know, PUBG Mobile is a diverse game with a variety of terrains, and each terrain has its own unique vehicle for every map.So, the question arises: why do we need to know about vehicles, and why are they important to us? And which are Pubg best vehicles?

Vehicles play an integral role in the battle royale experience in PUBG Mobile. Many gameplay strategies are associated with vehicles – escaping the blue zone, chasing enemies, avoiding adversaries, ensuring safer gameplay, and even using vehicles as cover in the open final zone.
Let’s dive into the different maps and see which are PUBG best vehicles for each map, that will undoubtedly provide you with a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience throughout your PUBG Mobile journey.

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PUBG Best Vehicles: Key Takeaways

  • Different maps have specific vehicles that offer advantages for navigating their unique terrains.
  • The UAZ, Dacia, Buggy, and Bike are among the top picks for Erangel, while the Pickup and Rony are best for Miramar.
  • The Tukshai and motorbike are the go-to vehicles for dominating Sanhok’s jungle terrain.
  • The snowmobile is perfect for navigating Vikendi’s snowy landscape, while the Monster Truck, UTV, and Sedan are the best for Livik.
  • Choosing the right vehicle for each map is crucial to survival and overall gameplay experience in PUBG Mobile.

Erangel Best Vehicles

Erangel offers a variety of vehicles that are best suited for different types of terrain.These are some pubg best vehicles that suited for this map:

  1. UAZ – A versatile jeep that excels in almost all types of terrain. It provides stable driving and can handle uneven land with ease.
  2. Dacia – Ideal for road driving, the Dacia is a reliable option. However, it is a bit unstable on grassy terrain and turning can be challenging in rugged areas.
  3. Buggy – The Buggy is the fastest vehicle on Erangel, capable of achieving high speeds instantly. However, it is not stable at all and can be difficult to drive on hilly terrain or bumpy roads.
  4. Bike – The best option for chasing enemies in emergencies, the Bike offers the highest speed. However, riding on bumpy roads or hilly areas can be challenging.

With these vehicles, players can confidently navigate through the various terrains on Erangel and gain an advantage in battles

PUBG best vehicle
Credit : Tencent

Miramar Best Vehicle:

Miramar is a desert map in PUBG Mobile that requires specific vehicles for efficient navigation.

  1. The open-top 4-seater Pickup is an excellent upgrade from the open UAZ with superior speed and stability on sandy terrain.
  2. The closed-top version of the Pickup offers added protection from enemy fire and sandstorms and is perfect for transporting a full squad of four players with ample space for equipment.
  3. The Rony truck provides superior durability and stability for traversing the rocky terrain of Miramar.

These vehicles’ unique features allow players to easily navigate Miramar’s terrain and gain an advantage over their opponents.

Sanhok Best Vehicle

Get the edge over your enemies on the dense Sanhok map in PUBG Mobile with the right vehicles. These are pubg best vehicles that suited for this map:

Tukshai is a nimble three-wheeler that’s perfect for weaving through the jungle.

The motorbike gives you unbeatable speed and maneuverability

Whether you’re escaping danger or chasing down foes, these vehicles will help you dominate Sanhok’s terrain.

Sanhok exclusive vehcile taikio
Credit: Tencent

Vikendi Best Vehicles

Vikendi is a snowy island in PUBG with urban and rural areas and challenging terrain. With deep snowdrifts, frozen lakes, and steep inclines, it’s hard for vehicles to navigate.

The snowmobile is tailor-made for the frosty landscape of Vikendi, making it the top vehicle pick for traversing this snowy map. It provides excellent mobility, letting players effortlessly glide through the wintry terrain while maintaining a swift pace. However, be cautious when navigating steep inclines or rugged ground, as handling the snowmobile can become quite tricky.

PUBG best vehicle
Credit : Tencent

Livik Best Vehicles

Livik is a fast-paced map in PUBG with unique terrain features. The following are pubg best vehicles that suited for this map:

  1. Monster Truck: perfect for navigating rough terrain with its large size and high ground clearance.
  2. UTV (Utility Task Vehicle): a versatile vehicle that offers stability and good movement on a variety of terrains.
  3. Sedan (Coupe RB): a fast vehicle well-suited for road driving, making it perfect for players who prefer speed over off-road capabilities.
PUBG mobile livik speical Monster Truck
PUBG Mobile in-game Screenshot

Finally, vehicles play a crucial role in PUBG, especially when it comes to navigating different maps with unique terrain features. Choosing the right vehicle, like the UAZ on Erangel or the snowmobile on Vikendi, can greatly impact survival chances and overall gameplay experience. Consider each map’s terrain and choose wisely to stay ahead of the competition.