PRG – Pyre realm gaming: Ranking Every GTA Online Heist Mission

Check out PRG - Pyre realm gaming's video ranking every Grand Theft Auto Online heist mission. Find out which missions are the best and worst!

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Griot the NPC

In the video titled “Every Grand Theft Auto Online Heists Missions Ranked! – GTA Online,” PRG – Pyre realm gaming ranks every mission from the original Heist DLC for GTA Online. The video explores the missions’ strengths, weaknesses, and overall enjoyment factor. From the worst mission to the best, PRG provides a comprehensive ranking that will surely spark debate among GTA Online players.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The first mission, “Scope Out,” is considered the most boring and least skillful.
  • “Prison Break Bus” and “Series A Funding Weed” are also ranked as boring and uneventful missions.
  • “Pacific Standard Signal” and “Pacific Standard Vans” are criticized for their long travel times and lack of action.
  • “Fleeca Job Karuma” is a short and unremarkable mission, but it lacks the interesting features of later DLCs.

Prison Break Heist:

The Prison Break Heist features a mix of challenging and enjoyable missions. “Wet Workers” is praised for its multiple approaches, while “Trash Truck” is infamous for its difficulty and lack of checkpoints. The finale, “Prison Break Finale,” is considered a bit lackluster and could have been more exciting.

Humane Labs Raid:

The Humane Labs Raid is regarded as the most enjoyable heist. “Deliver EMP” is a challenging mission that requires good teamwork and communication. “Valkyrie” offers a balanced mix of combat and stealth, while “Insurgents” allows players to choose their preferred approach. The finale, “Humane Labs Finale,” combines multiple gameplay elements and offers a thrilling experience.

Overall, PRG – Pyre realm gaming’s ranking provides an interesting perspective on the original Heist DLC for GTA Online. While opinions may vary, the video offers valuable insights into each mission’s strengths and weaknesses. Whether you agree or disagree with the rankings, it’s clear that the heist missions in GTA Online continue to captivate players even after a decade.

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