Persona: Why was Atlus Reluctant to Port the Modern Games?

Discover why Atlus hesitated in sharing modern Persona games on other platforms.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering why Atlus was so hesitant to port the modern Persona games to other systems? Check out discussions and insights from the community.


  • Atlus’ reluctance stemmed from a lack of interest and investment in porting games.
  • Porting involved time, money, and considerations on profitability.
  • Many modern ports were handled by third-party studios or Sega.

Insights on Lack of Porting

Atlus’ disinterest in porting may have been due to the financial and resource-intensive nature of the process. While fans desired multi-platform releases, Atlus focused primarily on developing for specific platforms, resulting in delays for other systems.

Community Perspectives

One user highlighted that porting games requires significant investments in time and resources, which may not align with Atlus’ priorities. The complexity of game development and profitability considerations likely influenced their decisions.

Another commenter noted that Atlus preferred moving on to new projects rather than revisiting older titles for ports. This, coupled with potential lack of profitability, could explain their hesitation.

Partnerships with companies like Microsoft and Xbox might have influenced Atlus’ decision to expand to multiple platforms, suggesting external factors also played a role in their porting strategies.