Persona Voices: Finding Similarity in the Sounds of Characters

Discovering which character voices in Persona are closest to their original portrayals sparks lively discussions among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Persona, fans debate the closest resemblances between character voices. Sharing opinions on similarities to the originals leads to intriguing discoveries and debates. Many players have strong feelings on this topic as they analyze the voices of their beloved characters. Let’s dive into a recent Reddit discussion that caught the attention of Persona enthusiasts.


  • Makoto’s voice is often cited as the most similar to the original across various Persona games, sparking agreement among fans.
  • Junpei’s voice is another hot topic, with opinions varying on how well newer voice actors capture the essence of the character.
  • Mitsuru’s voice is a point of contention, with some finding it indistinguishable from the original and others noticing subtle differences.

Debates on Makoto’s Voice

Many fans point out the resemblance between Yuri’s portrayal of Makoto in P3Q and P3D and Aleks’ interpretation, noting the low, deep, and quiet tone that remains consistent.

Junpei’s Varied Reception

Asthma_Spray highlights the evolution of Junpei’s voice across different games, praising Zeno for capturing the character’s essence and maintaining believability in various emotional states.

Mitsuru’s Uncanny Resemblance

SsjSylveriboi and Lotso2004 emphasize the closeness of Allegra’s voice to Tara’s for Mitsuru, sparking debates on whether this similarity enhances or detracts from the character.

NoabPK comments on the potential impact of technology limitations on voice implementation, hinting at the significance of hardware on voice fidelity.

Michael-556 reflects on Yuri Lowenthal’s portrayal of Makoto and his dynamic range across different games, noting the challenges of distinguishing characters with similar voices.

Strange-Aspect-6082 appreciates Zeno’s tone as Junpei, attributing his performance to enhancing the character’s relatability and charisma.

AlexanderZcio draws attention to the seamless transition between old and new voice actors for Mitsuru, pointing out the level of consistency maintained.

CoronavirusGoesViral succinctly expresses a preference for Junpei’s voice in the context of the discussion.

WheebOnWheels touches on the adaptation of Akihiko’s voice actor in P3Re and the adjustment process fans underwent to acclimate to the change.

With fans passionately discussing and dissecting the voices of Persona characters, the debate continues to evolve, revealing the intricate layers of attachment and interpretation within the gaming community.