Persona Gaming Community: Hilarious Moments in Tartarus

Dive into the chaotic world of Tartarus with the Persona gaming community as they share their funny escapades.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever been in a situation where you hear crashing sounds from the next room and wonder if it’s time to investigate? The Persona gaming community knows that feeling all too well, especially when it involves Makoto in Tartarus.


  • Players share hilarious encounters in Tartarus.
  • Community members reminisce about bonking Elizabeth in the game.
  • Players discuss strategies for navigating Tartarus efficiently.
  • Humorous scenarios highlight the fun side of the Persona gaming experience.

Junpei’s Curiosity Unleashed

Reddit user Mazu26 humorously imagines Junpei contemplating whether to check on Makoto amid the chaos in Tartarus next door, adding a touch of comedic relief to the situation.

Bonking Elizabeth Silly

User EssexS21 recalls a fun memory of engaging with Elizabeth in the game, highlighting the enjoyable and quirky interactions players can experience in Persona.

Strategic Tartarus Visits

Community member SnooHobbies7676 discusses their Tartarus visit frequency, showcasing players’ dedication to exploring the game’s dungeons and mastering its mechanics.

Comic Relief Amidst Chaos

From crashing phones to humorous dialogues, the Persona gaming community finds humor in the midst of Tartarus mayhem, underscoring the light-hearted side of the gaming experience.