Persona Fandom: A Dive into the Reddit Community

Exploring the highs and lows of the Persona community on Reddit. Is it all chill or filled with drama?

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans on Reddit have a mixed bag of sentiments towards the community. Some find it chill and welcoming, while others feel there’s room for improvement and a hint of toxicity.


  • The Persona community is described as both chill and toxic.
  • Opinions vary on the overall vibe of the fandom.
  • Some users appreciate the welcoming nature, while others critique the echo chamber effect.

Positive Vibes

One redditor expressed how they found the Persona community to be surprisingly chill and welcoming, appreciating the depth of discussions that can arise from simple jokes.

Mixed Sentiments

While some users praise the community’s chill atmosphere, others point out the echo chamber effect where dissenting opinions are swiftly downvoted without discussion.

Room for Improvement

There are calls for improvement within the fandom, with some highlighting the need for more open discussions and acceptance of diverse opinions to foster a healthier community.