Persona: Do Japanese Gamers Prefer English Dubs?

Do Japanese players prefer the English dub in games like Persona? Let's dive into their unique perspective.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered if Japanese gamers enjoy playing with the English dub in games like Persona? The subreddit post delves into this intriguing topic, shedding light on the reasons behind this choice.


  • Some Japanese players use English dubs for language learning
  • Playing in English offers a different perspective on the game
  • Not all Japanese players opt for English dubs due to concerns about voice acting
  • English dubs are sometimes used as teaching tools

Language Learning through Play

Japanese gamers often use English dubs as a way to enhance their language skills. By immersing themselves in English dialogues, they improve their understanding of the language while enjoying the game.

Perspective on Dub Choices

While some Japanese players appreciate the English dub for its unique interpretation of the game, others find it distracting and prefer the original Japanese voiceovers for authenticity.

Cultural Differences in Voice Acting

Japanese players also consider the cultural nuances and differences in voice acting between English and Japanese versions, influencing their choice of dubbing in games.

Playing with different language dubs can offer a fresh gaming experience, opening up new ways to interpret the narrative and characters