Persona Dating State: Exploring Perspectives on Romance in Video Games

Dive into the world of Persona fans discussing the concept of dating in video games and the boundaries of role-playing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans are diving deep into the complexities of dating in video games. What’s the line between role-playing and personal attachment to characters?


  • Fans debate the fine line between role-playing and attachment to characters.
  • Some see dating in Persona games as harmless decision-making for the protagonist.
  • Others question the morality of romance with certain characters based on age dynamics.

Perspectives on Role-playing

Some fans view dating in Persona games as a way to evaluate characters like family members’ partners, creating a distance between player and character.

Age Dynamics and Morality

Discussions arise on romancing characters of different ages, sparking debates on what is acceptable within the game’s context.

Personal Reflections

Players consider the implications of projecting themselves onto characters and the importance of maintaining a separation between player and protagonist.

Exploring Boundaries

Fans reflect on the boundaries of romance in video games, questioning the extent of self-insertion and the impact on the gaming experience.