Persona 5X New Character Trailer: Minami Miyashita – A Controversial Addition?

Check out the latest character reveal for Persona 5X and see what the community thinks!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Persona community is buzzing about the new character trailer for P5X featuring Minami Miyashita and her unique backstory as a nurse with healing abilities.


  • Is Minami Miyashita fitting into the Persona universe?
  • Concerns over the character being in a gacha game
  • Questions about the game’s release and future characters

Positive Reactions

Abyssallord thinks Minami might fill a crucial healing role in the game.

Johan23t is excited to add Minami to their team.

Negative Reactions

ParticularAd2296 fears spending too much time on a mobile game if Minami comes to the states.

Pettiwhisker_Tildrum finds Minami’s design generic and not very Persona-like.