Persona 3 Reload vs. Persona 5 Royal Menu – Which Style Steals the Show?

Players debate whether the charm of Persona 3 Reload's simplicity outshines the vibrant aesthetics of Persona 5 Royal's menu.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to the menus in Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Royal, players are divided on which steals the show. Some prefer the simplicity and thematic fit of Persona 3 Reload, while others are drawn to the vibrant and modern design of Persona 5 Royal.


  • Persona 3 Reload’s menu is praised for its simplicity and thematic coherence.
  • Persona 5 Royal’s menu stands out for its vibrant aesthetics and modern design.
  • Players appreciate Persona 3 Reload for its chill vibe and thematic significance.

Chemicalcube325’s Take

Chemicalcube325 appreciates the simplicity of Persona 3 Reload’s menu, believing it aligns well with the game’s overall theme. They find Makoto’s presence in the water background to evoke a relaxing vibe that resonates with the character’s psyche.

User Comments

diamondmaster2017 jokes about a potential Persona 4 menu, while overtak3 appreciates the aesthetics of Persona 5 Royal but finds both menus great overall. epicpikachu121 enjoys Persona 3 Reload but finds the money section jarring, and SnooHobbies7676 prefers P5 for its character placement.

CHAIIINSAAAWbread opts for Persona 5 due to its chaos and vibrance, while thehood98 finds Persona 3 Reload visually appealing and harmonious. WittyDurian1282 succinctly declares Persona 3 as superior.

Reflections on Menu Design

Some users delve deeper into the menu design, with Purple_Racoon appreciating different aspects of P3 and P5 menus. Charred_Orpheus interprets the menus reflecting Makoto’s struggles, adding layers to the aesthetic choices.

linkman88 contrasts the flow and animation cohesiveness of P5 with the disconnected feel of P3r menus. Big_Guirlande appreciates P5’s design as a core element of the game, whereas Founderplot expresses excitement over the P3r menu.

Dramatic_Science_681 praises P5’s art style, while gdo22 finds P5’s menu prettier and easier to navigate, coupled with a better overall game experience.

Final Thoughts

The debate between Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Royal’s menus showcases the diverse preferences among players. While some value thematic coherence and relaxation in P3’s menu, others gravitate towards the modern aesthetics and vibrance of P5’s design. Ultimately, the choice boils down to personal taste and the emotional connection players forge with each menu’s unique style.