Persona 3: Decoding Makoto’s Number 3 Dilemma

Unravel the mystery behind why Makoto bears the number 3 in Persona 3.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Persona subreddit, a user questions why Makoto bears the number 3 instead of Yukari. All numbers are assigned based on characters’ combat experiences, but it seems there’s more than meets the eye.


  • Makoto’s number signifies his significance as the protagonist of Persona 3.
  • It’s a mix of combat experience and developer intention behind the numbering.
  • Cultural beliefs and narrative decisions also influence character numbering.

Character Order

While some attribute the numbering to combat awakening sequence, others believe it aligns with the protagonist’s role and franchise connections.

Developer’s Vision

The developers strategically assigned numbers to characters to match their intended narrative and gameplay roles.

Cultural Influence

The cultural significance of numbers, like 4 being unlucky, plays into character numbering decisions.

Makoto’s iconic number 3 in Persona 3 carries a blend of symbolism, gameplay design, and cultural nuances that enrich the game’s storytelling and character portrayal.