Palworld: Unbelievable Discovery of Two Flower Gumoss

Exploring the miraculous find of two flower gumoss in Palworld and the community's reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fantastical world of Palworld, players stumble upon not one, but two rare flower gumoss, sparking amazement and curiosity.


  • Players uncover rare flower gumoss in pairs, causing speculation on spawn rates.
  • Contrasting opinions on the rarity of multiple gumoss reveal varying experiences.
  • Spawn rates debated as some players consistently encounter groups of gumoss in-game.

Spawn Rates Speculations

One user questioned whether a spawn rate was set to 2 since finding two flower gumoss simultaneously seemed unlikely. Another player shared an encounter with a group of four gumoss, suggesting the rarity might be subjective.

In-Game Spawning Patterns

Some players suggest that spawn rates might have been adjusted, as they frequently encounter groups of gumoss in their world, hinting at possible game mechanics at play.

Community Wonder

Questions arise among the community regarding the significance of discovering two flowers, sparking curiosity and discussions about the game’s intricacies.

The discovery of multiple rare flower gumoss in Palworld has ignited a buzz among players, prompting debates on spawn rates and the allure of uncovering such treasures in the game’s vast world.