Palworld: The Syndicate Elite – A Powerhouse or a Flop?

Discover the mixed opinions on The Syndicate Elite in Palworld subreddit. Some players claim he's unstoppable, while others find him underwhelming. Find out more here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld is buzzing with discussions about the fearsome power of The Syndicate Elite, a rocket launcher-wielding character. In a post by tub345, it’s revealed that this formidable human deals devastating damage with every punch, making him one of the strongest capturables in the game.


  • Opinions on The Syndicate Elite’s strength are divided.
  • Some players think he’s unstoppable and praise his rocket launcher damage.
  • Others express disappointment, claiming he hits weakly and often misses.

He’s a Beast!

One enthusiastic player, snowifox, suggests teaching The Syndicate Elite draconian breath, a move that would add an extra layer of hilarity to this already fearsome character. Despite not being sure if this can be done, snowifox’s comment reflects the excitement surrounding The Syndicate Elite’s potential.

Frustratingly Weak

HansKoKo, on the other hand, shares a drastically different experience. This player laments how The Syndicate Elite hits like a wet noodle, dealing only 200-300 damage per attack, despite having the Musclehead trait. Additionally, this player reports that the character’s attacks often miss, adding to the overall underwhelming performance.

While HansKoKo expresses frustration and even attempts to improve their Syndicate Elite through condensing, the comment section reveals that other players have also encountered similar issues, questioning if there’s a secret trick to unlock his true potential.

It’s fascinating to witness the contrast of opinions surrounding The Syndicate Elite. While some players hail him as an unstoppable powerhouse, others find him disappointingly weak. It’s possible that varying factors such as player strategies, individual character stats, and personal playstyles contribute to these differing experiences. Palworld players will undoubtedly continue to experiment and seek out ways to maximize The Syndicate Elite’s true potential.