Palworld: Reject Meta, Embrace Meme – What the Community Thinks

Discover why the Palworld community is torn between embracing memes or sticking to the meta in this insightful discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are fiercely debating whether to stick with meta strategies or embrace meme teams, sparking a heated discussion in the community.


  • Players share mixed opinions on prioritizing meta or meme teams
  • Some find meta strategies essential for challenging content like the final tower
  • Others prefer the fun and creativity of meme teams

Meta Madness

Some players advocate for using meta pals to excel in tough battles, citing the necessity for success in end-game scenarios like Bellenoir Libero

Meme Magic

On the flip side, many players express joy and satisfaction in using unconventional meme teams, finding them more enjoyable than strict meta strategies

The Great Debate

The community remains divided, with some players emphasizing the efficiency of meta teams while others prioritize creativity and fun