Palworld – Maximize Your Pal Stacks For Jetragon Battle

Exploring the effectiveness of different Pal stacks for the challenging Jetragon battle in Palworld.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about how to tackle Jetragon in Palworld without the grind? Let’s dive into the effectiveness of different Pal stacks for this formidable foe.


  • The synergy between Swee and Beegarde buffs Sweepa and Elizabee.
  • Max star Swee teamed with a powerful Sweepa build can potentially take on Jetragon.
  • Ice moves and legendary weapons are essential for countering Jetragon’s fire attacks.

wolfclaw3812’s Dilemma

Swee and Beegarde passives offer stat buffs to Sweepa and Elizabee, but the effectiveness against Jetragon remains uncertain. The user is hesitant to grind XP but seeks a strategic solution.

Community Insights

hejj highlights the potential of a maxed-out Elizabee with Beegarde’s buff, emphasizing the power of this Pal stack combination even without conscious pal presence.

Zetatrue’s Warning

Zetatrue cautions about the challenge of Jetragon’s ice moves and recommends countering with ice damage boosts and strategic play.

JumboShrimpWithaLimp’s Strategy

JumboShrimpWithaLimp suggests that a well-built Sweepa team, even at 2-star level or above, can deliver significant damage and handle tough bosses like Jetragon effectively.

Greek_Pal’s Tips

Greek_Pal advises preparing for Jetragon’s fire attacks and suggests using legendary weapons like a condition crossbow for added damage output.

Are you ready to optimize your Pal stacks and take on the fiery challenge of Jetragon in Palworld? With the right strategy and powerful combinations, victory may be closer than you think. Dive into the world of Palworld and unleash the full potential of your Pal team!