Palworld Key Dilemma: Silver vs. Gold – What’s the Real Treasure?

Palworld players are divided over the elusive silver keys - some hoard them, some seek them. What's the key to finding them?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are in a frenzy over the scarcity of silver keys, contrasting with the abundance of other key types. Amidst the struggles of key collection, various strategies emerge.


  • Players are divided on key availability with silver keys causing frustration
  • Strategies for key collection range from hunting specific Pal types to farming specific zones
  • Players adapt gameplay to focus on breeding and butchering for key alternatives

Rare Finds and Desperate Measures

Some players express a desperate need for a game patch to address the key distribution issue. User RikkuEcRud, for example, muses about modifying gameplay to utilize higher-tier keys for chests.

Key Scavenging Tactics

Users like christoph_win and xSeba069x discuss the uneven distribution of keys. While some struggle with silver keys, others face the opposite dilemma of lacking gold keys.

Unconventional Key Sources

Leviathane and GunRyder reveal unique methods for obtaining silver keys, from defeating specific Pal types to eliminating genetic teams.

The Palworld community remains dynamic in its quest for keys, each player facing their unique challenges and devising creative solutions. As the search for silver keys continues, players navigate the world with their customized approaches.