Palworld: How Many Days Have You Spent in Your Main Save File?

Palworld players share how many in-game days they've clocked on their main save files. Dive into the time-warped adventures!

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve ever wondered how long players dive into their main save file in Palworld, you’re in for a treat. Here’s a fun look at the time-journeys of some dedicated gamers!


  • Players are spending hundreds to thousands of days on their main save files, showcasing their commitment and love for the game.
  • Some opt for extended day times to amp up their gameplay, resulting in even higher numbers on the days counter.
  • A fascinating mix of strategies emerged, from quick progress to afk breeding, highlighting the diverse playstyles in the community.


Rezo-Inverse boasts a whopping 1,324 days, focusing on raids and cakes to build an unstoppable army.


Navonod_Semaj hit day 199, defeating Victor and eagerly awaiting the summer for more adventures.


With around 800 days and altered time settings, SilsRayleigh’s gameplay reaches the 1,000-day milestone swiftly.


_RE914D_ took a different route with 4000+ days, leveraging high day speeds for efficient progress.