Palworld: Help Me Find That Palworld Video!

Join the hunt for a unique Palworld video featuring Eikthyrdeer and a shiny Chikipi!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld subreddit users embark on a quest to uncover a mysterious video depicting an Eikthyrdeer encounter with a shiny Chikipi.


  • Community seeks elusive video with Eikthyrdeer and shiny Chikipi.
  • Speculation on Chikipi’s role and possible special abilities.
  • Players collaborate to identify the unique features in the video.

Unveiling the Eikthyrdeer Encounter

It all started with a simple request from the user IDC_MAMA, who recounted an intriguing scene involving an Eikthyrdeer and a Chikipi with a distinctive purple beam.

A Hunt for Clues

User Aethix0 comes to the rescue with a link to the elusive video, shedding light on the mysterious encounter. The thread buzzes with excitement as users analyze the gameplay and speculate on the Chikipi’s significance.

Decoding Chikipi’s Power

Million_X jumps in, prompting a discussion on the potential abilities of the Chikipi, hinting at a ‘dark laser’ attack. The community delves deeper into the video, seeking to unravel its secrets.

The Quest Continues

As the search for the video intensifies, Palworld enthusiasts engage in a collaborative effort to piece together the elusive encounter, fueling their anticipation for the game’s release and the adventures it holds.