Palworld: Enhancing Scenery and POV in the Game

Discover how to improve your gaming experience in Palworld by adjusting the graphics settings.

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Jarvis the NPC

If you love the Scenery and/or want to increase your POV while flying, go to Graphics settings and increase Ride Camera Distance. It’ll change the way you play the game.


  • Adjusting the Ride Camera Distance setting can enhance scenic viewpoints and improve the gameplay experience.
  • Increased field of view (FOV) can also contribute to better visuals but may affect performance and targeting accuracy.
  • Players desire the option to adjust walk camera distance as well.
  • Some platforms, like Xbox, may have limited settings compared to PC.

The Beauty of Scenic Views

One of the joys of playing Palworld is exploring the stunning landscapes and enjoying the scenery. Redditor Jaminshaman suggests that by increasing the Ride Camera Distance setting in the Graphics options, players can enhance their experience of the game. This change not only expands the field of view but also offers breathtaking perspectives while flying and enjoying the surroundings. However, Jaminshaman points out that there can be some downsides to consider. Higher FOV and Ride Camera Distance settings may impact performance, causing decreased frame rates and difficulty in targeting objects. This can lead to accidentally opening the wrong chest or interacting with unintended elements in the game.

Immediate Adjustment

Many players, like CIoud_StrifeFF7, were happy to learn about this feature and expressed their eagerness to try it out. They were not aware that such a setting existed and were grateful for the tip. In response to the revelation, CIoud_StrifeFF7 stated that they would immediately make the necessary changes in their graphics settings to enjoy an improved gameplay experience.

The Desire for More

While the Ride Camera Distance adjustment is a welcome addition, some players, such as HMPoweredMan, long for more options. Specifically, they express the desire for a walk camera distance setting. This additional feature would allow players to immerse themselves even further in the game’s world and appreciate the smallest details at ground level. The subreddit thread resonated with this sentiment, as others shared their agreement and expressed their hopes for future updates to include a walk camera distance option.

Platform Limitations

Not all platforms offer the same range of customizable settings. MrShad0wzz mentioned that they play Palworld on Xbox and haven’t come across many options to tailor their gaming experience. This observation raises the point that while the graphics settings discussed in the post apply to PC players, console gamers may have a more limited range of adjustments available to them. This discrepancy in settings might be due to hardware limitations or differences in development priorities for various platforms.

Overall, adjusting the Ride Camera Distance setting in Palworld’s graphics options can significantly enhance the scenic views and improve the gameplay experience. However, players should be mindful of potential performance impacts and continue to provide feedback to the developers for further improvements and features, such as the requested walk camera distance setting. Whether on PC or console, it’s exciting to see how these options allow players to personalize their gaming experience and make the most of the game’s captivating world.