Palworld Dilemma: Bellanoir Libero’s Blazamut Massacre

Exploring the mystery behind Bellanoir Libero obliterating all Blazamuts - any clues?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld fans are baffled by the ruthless massacre of Blazamuts by Bellanoir Libero. What went wrong in this fiery battle?


  • The unexpected demise of Blazamuts in the battle with Bellanoir Libero has left players puzzled.
  • Players speculate on whether it was a bug, bad luck, or a specific game mechanic causing the quick defeat.
  • Similar experiences shared by players raise concerns about the difficulty curve and balancing in Palworld.

The Blazamut Blunder

Michael_Scarn47’s plight with Bellanoir Libero killing all Blazamuts has resonated with many Palworld players. The confusion stems from the seemingly abrupt annihilation of Blazamuts, leaving them questioning their strategies and the game mechanics at play.

Community Insights

Players like Dominus_76 and swalshdag2173 offer different perspectives, considering critical hits and pal HP variations. Despite differing views, a common thread emerges – the swift defeat of powerful pals is a prevalent issue.

Reflecting on the Chaos

Spanking_constantly’s repeated encounters with the Blazamut massacre highlight a recurring challenge faced by players. The frustration of losing prized pals in such a manner adds a layer of complexity to the gameplay experience, sparking debates within the community.

Palworld continues to surprise and challenge players, keeping the community engaged in unraveling its mysteries.