Palworld: Are More Mining Sites in Future Updates a Good Idea?

The community debates the necessity and impact of additional mining sites in Palworld.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are deeply divided on the topic of adding more mining sites in future updates. While some advocate for increased convenience and base-building flexibility, others argue that it might detract from the core exploration aspect of the game.


  • Community is split on the need for more mining sites
  • Some players believe it could enhance gameplay by allowing base-building anywhere
  • Others feel it might remove the incentive to explore and gather resources manually

XBattousaiX’s Pros and Cons of More Resources

XBattousaiX presents contrasting arguments for and against additional mining sites. They emphasize the benefits of base-building flexibility but also acknowledge the potential impact on game balance and exploration.

AlexXeno’s Perspective on Expeditions

AlexXeno suggests a different approach by proposing sending pals on expeditions for loot, offering a compromise between manual gathering and automation.

NinjaMoose_13’s Argument for Manual Gathering

NinjaMoose_13 advocates for maintaining manual resource gathering to preserve the balance between base activities and exploration, highlighting the importance of leaving the base for certain resources.

TrashySheep’s Wishlist for New Islands

TrashySheep speculates on the potential addition of new islands and resources to mine, expressing a preference for diverse locations with various minerals.

The Debate Continues

The discussion around adding more mining sites in Palworld reflects the community’s diverse preferences and playstyles. While some players welcome the idea for increased convenience and strategic base-building options, others raise concerns about potential negative impacts on exploration and game balance. As the debate evolves, developers may need to carefully consider these differing viewpoints to maintain a balanced and engaging gameplay experience.