Pacific Drive Game Performance Complaints: What Players Are Saying

Players on Pacific Drive are frustrated with the game's performance and seek improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Pacific Drive players are collectively expressing their disappointment with the game’s performance through various Reddit posts and comments. The general sentiment seems to revolve around high expectations met with poor optimization and stuttering gameplay.


  • Players are encountering significant performance issues, especially related to stuttering and low frame rates.
  • Suggestions to improve performance include adjusting shadow and mirror settings to medium or low.
  • PC versions seem to offer better performance compared to the PS5 version.
  • The game’s optimization is a key concern among players, with many hoping for future updates to address these issues.
  • Performance Woes

    HerrnWurst, the original poster, highlighted their sensitivity to game stuttering and expressed disappointment at the game’s subpar performance despite its impressive visuals. They questioned the developers’ plans for optimization improvements, signaling a common concern among players seeking a smoother gameplay experience.

    Optimization Recommendations

    Community members like PlantedTankDude and Nova225 offered practical advice on tweaking shadow and mirror settings to mitigate performance issues. These suggestions echoed the sentiment that specific in-game adjustments could potentially enhance the overall gameplay experience. Players shared their hardware specs to demonstrate how performance varies across different setups.

    PS5 vs. PC Performance

    PogTuber pointed out the contrasting performance experience between the PS5 and PC versions, emphasizing the advantage of playing on a PC for smoother frame rates. This observation underscored the importance of platform choice in maximizing the game’s potential performance.

    Final Thoughts

    The Pacific Drive community’s collective frustration with the game’s performance highlights the critical role optimization plays in delivering an enjoyable gaming experience. As players continue to share their feedback and suggestions, the hope for future updates and increased optimization remains at the forefront of their discussions.