Pacific Drive: Deciding on Tires for the Remnant

Join the discussion on tire choices for the Remnant in Pacific Drive and find out if balance or speciality is the key to victory!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered about the optimal tire setup for the Remnant in Pacific Drive? You’re not alone. Skrynat took to the subreddit to seek answers


  • Choosing the right tire setup is crucial for performance
  • Community members have varying opinions on tire placements
  • Discussion revolves around balancing traction and off-road capabilities
  • No consensus on whether the Remnant is RWD or AWD


Salty_Ambition_7800 believes that overall traction rating is key, regardless of tire placement. Anecdotal experience suggests that a mix of tire types might be more beneficial for different terrains. Additionally, they caution against all puncture-proof tires for off-road usage.


Glitchboi3000 proposes that the Remnant could be AWD, as the car drives even with tires only on the front. This challenges the assumption of it being RWD, adding another layer of mystery to the debate.


Jwhodis mentions that traction consolidates into a single value, allowing for mismatched tire setups. They prefer puncture-proof fronts and off-road rears for their driving style, highlighting the versatility of the game’s mechanics.


For OnewordTTV, the common choice seems to be a split of two different tire types. They emphasize that the handling isn’t drastically affected by the front-to-back placement, opting for puncture-proof tires on the front.


Beatus_Vir presents a unique approach, suggesting puncture-proof fronts for better control in case of a rear flat. They acknowledge the limitations of such setups off-road but recommend a mix of paddle and all-terrain tires for a balanced experience.

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