Pacific Drive: Absolutely Loving This Game So Far Reddit Recap

Dive into the exciting world of Pacific Drive as players share their love for the game on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Pacific Drive takes gamers on an exhilarating ride filled with adrenaline-pumping moments and stunning visuals. From hood slides to resource hunts, the community is abuzz with excitement over the game.


  • Players find the game addictive and anticipate it becoming a classic.
  • The thrill of hood slides and resource gathering adds to the gameplay experience.
  • Decals and car customization are praised, sparking discussions on DLC content.

Exciting Hood Slides

“Updoot given for the implied hood slide. Very fun,” one user commented, highlighting the exhilaration players feel during intense moments in the game.

All-Time Classic Potential

“It only gets better from here. I feel like this game is going to become one of those all-time classics,” shared a user, reflecting the community’s high expectations for the game’s future.

Customization and Decals

“I LOVE your decals, I haven’t found that one yet. Is it from a DLC?” asked a curious player, initiating a conversation on the intricate details of car customization in Pacific Drive.

Dive into the exciting world of Pacific Drive as players share their love for the game on Reddit!